Monday, September 20, 2010

Summer Slacking

This summer has been a whirl wind! I can't believe I have not posted a blog since March, but now that things have calmed down recently, I am trying to get caught up on everything I've been slacking on. Here is a brief synopsis of what has been going on lately.

Around the beginning May I found out I was going to be laid off from my job in Wetumpka as of June 11. So, you can imagine my nervousness in trying to find a new job. Thankfully, I was given about six weeks notice and thankfully, by the grace of God, I was able to find another job. I started work as an Office Manager at D & L Development. Not my dream job, but a job none-the-less. After about two months at D&L I interviewed for a position at AUM...and got it! I started work the day after Labor Day as a Student Recruiter, focusing on Scholarships and Events, at AUM! I have been here now for almost two weeks and LOVE my job and all the people I work with!

If you're wondering what all Leon has been up to lately, it's A LOT! Leon has been studying, studying, studying. Earlier this summer Leon decided to go back to school and get his MBA! I am so proud of him. He has almost completed his first class and will be starting his second class in October. He has classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights and then spends most of his remaining free time studying.

Not only has he been studying for school but also for several computer certification tests. All of which he passed with flying colors and was greatly relieved. So, as you can tell we have been busy! This is just a brief up date. I will have some more detailed posts very soon.

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